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Our mission

Offer business travelers the best value for their city stays

Our offer

When we created the Home Quality Club in 2018, our ambition was to radically change business travelers' stays so that they could finally benefit from a competitive and attractive offer.

It is not only a question of proposing a large apartment, well decorated, well located and at the best price. It is also a question of offering the services that travelers really need, with efficiency in mind.

But above all, it is about offering a different experience each time, far from the usual standardized offers.

Our offer

As reliable as a hotel,
As comfortable as an apartment

Each apartment is specifically decorated and furnished by one of our interior designers. We maintain them and provide our guests with all the necessary services, so that we can guarantee a consistent, qualitative, experience.

Services included

Concentrate on your stay, we take care of the rest.

Fast check-in,
7 days a week

of more than 30 sqm


interior design

Kitchen and
great appliances




7 days a week

Our offer is specifically designed for the business traveler

Business-friendly location

In the heart of business districts, close to your customer or to your head office.


Office space, broadband Internet, Wi-Fi broadband, printer, office supplies.


Special loyalty program, optional dry cleaning, optional breakfast, 24/7 check-in.

Our offices

27, rue Cambacérès 75008 Paris
+33 1 44 85 53 87
By appointment only

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Our offices
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Our offices

27, rue Cambacérès 75008 Paris
+33 1 44 85 53 87
By appointment only

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